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Airlines will nail you for up to $140 if you've got three pieces of luggage, but the post office will charge you $55. FedEx will get it there (or back) for $60. Shipping your luggage does not work out in your favor if you're just bringing one piece of luggage. Excess Baggage, the world’s leading provider in baggage shipping services has urged air passengers to make use of its services this summer. The call follows on from results collected by price comparison website Kelkoo, which stated that excess baggage Your plight is shared by several readers, writing in response to the question on overweight baggage on Feb. 5, who have suggested that shipping luggage can be a cost-effective way to avoid punitive excess baggage charges, not just within Europe but between Trakdot is now shipping Trakdot Luggage devices. Created by GlobaTrac, they can be placed in any checked bag and will alert the user by reporting city and airport location in real time to any cellular telephone via text or e-mail. Trakdot promises to Supry once opened an abandoned piece of luggage and found a cooked ham inside “Once we get a certain volume that is too much to store we will ship it off,” said Michael McCarthy, a Boston-based spokesman for the TSA. Scissors cost $1, and so As airlines continue to raise fees for checking baggage, passengers are turning to shipping services. Earlier this month Continental, Delta, United and American began charging $25 for a first checked bag and $35 for the second on domestic flights — an .
* Reuters is not responsible for the content in this press release. As Luggage Shipping Goes Mainstream, Travelers Should Select Provider Carefully BOSTON--(Business Wire)-- Sharp increases in checked baggage fees have caused many people to explore the Call it consumer revenge or simple savoir faire, but local fliers who are fed up with paying the hefty baggage fees charged by airlines are finding alternative ways to ship their luggage. -- Before shipping luggage, customers should contact their hotel or SAN DIEGO–(Hollywood Today) 29/06/10–The UPS Store ® can ease air travelers’ burdens this summer with three luggage shipping alternatives, including a new luggage box that takes the place of a suitcase, to help reduce hassles of long lines, security After going up for pre-order back in March of this year the new Trakdot luggage tracker system is now shipping to users and available to purchase directly from their website for $50. In addition to the initial $50 cost the Trakdot luggage tracker also .
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